whats the best algea eaters.


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi i started to get some algea in my tank about a week ago i didnt think much of it so i left it (big mistake)and now ive got quite alot green spots all over my gravel ornaments and rocks so i was woundering what fish should i get to help me with my problem one that iss pretty i was thinking an oto :D
I have pitbull plecs but lost some to internal parasites, and they do a good job on algae, clean gravel, ornaments, plants, and glass,.
Well your tank would definately have to be big enough but from my experience the Common Pleco is THE BEST algae eater.
My Bristlenose Pleco does a really good job at cleaning the algae on my tank. I have Pitbull Plecos too (like Wilder), and they seem to be pretty good at cleaning too. Only had them for a few weeks though. But they have proved themselves to be very good so far!
The thing is....if this is the same tank he was talking about in the other thread I read of his, it's only a 20 gallon long. So he basically has to keep it small.
ok thanx for all the threads gr8 help but im sorry to get rid of my pleco its for the best he needs a bigger tank.
As plecos get older they don'e seem to want to scour algae off the tanks. Young plecos seem to be the best, or young chinese algae eaters. When I had a baby barb tank suffering from brown algae I purchased a pleco about 1.5" long, or "little plec". That tank was spotless the next day. Little plec is now about 3-4" long and doesn't seek out algae anymore. When I was a novice I was having problem with green algae and bought a team of two chinese algae eaters who literally attacked the algae on the tank and had a 29 gallon cleaned up within a week. However, they both doubled in size and became fiercly territorial. Supposedly they are damaging to other fish too when they get large.

To keep algae out of the tank, have some plants to block sunlight and gobble up the nutrients that algae need to grow. I have an amazon sword that seems to keep everything nice.
Hi guppy_man :)

Otos do a great job cleaning up algae, and are fun to watch. If you like plecos, you will probably like otos too because they are similar in appearance, but much more active.

They do best if you have several of them, but their miniature size means that unless your tank is very overcrowded, you can probably fit a few in. :D
Only otos will rarely touch green algae, they prefer the brown kinds.

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