Whats Needed To Breed Guppies


New Member
Dec 15, 2008
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whats needed to breed guppies i have 10 gallon tank spare to breed them for feeder fish for my oscars
Sorry but putting this in a livebearer section may upset some peeps as we mostly want to beet these fish for show!!! Not food.
to bread guppies u need, flour, yeast, salt and warm water and add ur guppies knead for a bit and cook...TA DA guppie bread!!
its breed guppy everyone going to feel sad hearing that you want to eat the guppy.edit it and you will need a male to 2 female
Serious answer though, all you basically need is a male and a female guppy, and a cycled tank.

It's better to have a ratio of 1 male to two or more females.
An alkaline pH/hard water is more suited to guppies too, so if you have soft acidic water, it sometimes helps to add something like tufa rock (ask at the lfs for rock to raise the pH, people often use them for African cichlids ) . Don't worry about the water stats too much though as long as they don't fluctuate, if you get hardy guppies they are adaptable.

Floating and fine leaved plants like water lettuce and cabomba also provide refuge for the fry and will help them to survive naturally without having to bother with breeder nets.
i dont see anything wrong with breeding these things for feeders, its called the food chain not a natural one, but simalar to what they prey on in the wild..

you need to cycle that tank and i would recomend having a 30g spare grow out tank (cycled). as for the 10 gallon i would stock 2 males and 6 females, 2 males incase one is infertile, then a few floating plants, and some moss, and some liquifry and finely crushed flake, for when they can take the flakes.

remeber the tank needs heating about 26 degrees sounds good, and good filtartion for both tanks but ensuring fry arent going to get sucked in, and a few breeding traps would be good unless you transplant the female to the 30galon growout in a divided section and once shes done release the fry and put her back in the 10g,
i dont see anything wrong with breeding these things for feeders, its called the food chain not a natural one, but simalar to what they prey on in the wild.
Nobody mentioned feeder fish, merely making a little joke at a typo in the title.
He actually did mention feeders, right in the first response he said he wants to breed (bread) to feed his oscars.
To breed guppys all you need is a male (fertile one preferred) and a few females they breed quickly and if the females you buy are in a mixed tank theres usually a good chance they will already be pregnant.
Oh, sorry, my mistake then :lol:.

In that case I wasn't beaten to the joke when I saw this, but am now :(. lol
Hi smiithy1 :)

Welcome to the forum! :flowers:

Enjoy yourself here and don't worry about a little spelling mistake. I'll edit it for you. :D
If it isn't fertile it doesn't matter. The female has not been kept in total isolation so you will get fry anyway.

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