Whats Needed For Fish-only Compared To Say A Full Reef-tank?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2005
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Im thinking of setting up just a fish only just to get me into the saltwater side of fishkeeping. And maybe adding a few pieces of liverock to the ocean rock i have in the tank in the future?

I was thinking of running a 3ft aquarium with an internal fluval 4 filter, so wouldnt need powerhead, and T8 tubes?

Is there anything else i would need or any advice on this woud be great! Cheers!
T8's work fine! :good: An external cannister for filtration is going to give you a bit more leway in what mechanical filtration media you can hold in there, and even chemical filtration if needed (ie Charcoal or Ammolock etc etc). Id suggest investing in one. An internal is ok, and does provide flow, but as mentioned, will limit the filtration media you can use. :good: You should be looking at around 20x turnover, so you may need to supplement an external or internal with a powerhead! :nod:

A standard 3ft tank is roughly 30g, so should give you some decent stocking options. Before yo get into it, you might be keen to research what fish you'd like, because then you might want to upgrade if you have a really "must have" fish on your list. Try liveaquaria.com

Having a cannister, a powerhead, and some live rock/base rock will allow you to slowly move up the marine tank ladder if you ever want too. Basically you would just need to add more lighting and you could go some basic corals. :D

Have you thought about a sump/refugium? This is something many wish they had done before doing there tank (Myself included). melevsreef.com should give you the basic gyst if your confused about anything to do with sumps/refugiums. A refugium basically holds something like live rock, or algae to help protect beneficial crustaceans/inverts from predation, who help balance you system, comsume wastes, and can end up as another food source for fish. A sump hides much of your equipment.

You shouldnt need a skimmer. It would be beneficial, but if you keep a lower bioload, and be consistant with monitoring water parameters, and changing water, you should be ok!

Hope I helped you on your way. There are many journals around to help you see what others do when they begin. Any more questions, shoot! :)
Great advice!

Im thinking of just setting up with the T8's at the moment, and maybe ungrading to T5's if i want some corals etc?

Im gonna have a read of the sumps/refigum site u linking? As i see loads of people using them, and talking about them, but dont know how they work, or what goes in there etc! and what advantages etc there are!

Will ocean rock work as a base rock for say a few pieces of live rock to be placed on? I know its not as porous as the live rock, but i cant afford a tank full of live!

Cheers again
What kind of filter pads etc would you run in an exteral filter? As for tropical i run various, like bioballs, ceramic noodle, filter pads, foam filters?

What would be applicable to marine, and could already seeded or mature filters form tropicla be used to speed up the cycling process?
Unfortunately the bacteria grown in FW setups in a different type to that found in a SW setup.

As the Live rock will be doing the biological filtering all you need the externals for in mechanical filtration and phosphate removal and carbon.
Unfortunately the bacteria grown in FW setups in a different type to that found in a SW setup.

As the Live rock will be doing the biological filtering all you need the externals for in mechanical filtration and phosphate removal and carbon.

Well im not having live rock to start with, so i will need some mechanical and biological filration!

Would i be bale to set up a sump with an external filter, or isnt it worth unless goin full on live rock?
you have to start with live rock to get the bacteria started that or the cruel evil torment with fish cycle. but then your stuck with i highly aggresive fish that will attack anything in your tank or will die a horrible death from poisoning. If you are gonna do marine then propper :good:
What kind of filter pads etc would you run in an exteral filter? As for tropical i run various, like bioballs, ceramic noodle, filter pads, foam filters?

What would be applicable to marine, and could already seeded or mature filters form tropicla be used to speed up the cycling process?

I run foam, filter wool, carbon, LR rubble, and activated charcoal in my externals. FW bacteria, as mentioned, will not survive in a marine tank. You can cycle with a fish, but dont choose a damsel. They are agressive, and they will be troublesome to remove later. Try blue green chromis. Many consider cycling with fish un-neccessary, considering your putting the fish under certain stresses when there are other alternatives. Live rock should cycle your tank, even if you just have small pieces. You could also buy someones old media, share some, or your LFS might give you some (im sure they would if you talked to them about your situation).

you have to start with live rock to get the bacteria started that or the cruel evil torment with fish cycle. but then your stuck with i highly aggresive fish that will attack anything in your tank or will die a horrible death from poisoning. If you are gonna do marine then propper :good:

Live rock isnt the only method, and if its a FO, the whole point is it doesnt have LR, that would make it a FOWLR. Your not stuck with a highly aggressive fish if you make a right choice, and stay away from damsels.

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