Whats My Betta Doing?


Fish Crazy
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
West Devon
I have a small black betta. Unknown sex and type. I was looking at it and it hung nearly verticallly in the water and expelled loads of bubbles through its gills then started clapping them. This made a noise I could hear clearly outside the tank. What is it doing?
Being air breathers your betta is probably taking in gulps of air off the surface.
I always see it taking air from the surface and releasing the odd bubble from its mouth but this was totaly different. I have 7 bettas(females) and 1 male in another tank and have never seen this behavior before from any one of them. Could it be some sort of territorial thing?
Is it a clicking sound, kind of like somebody snapping gum? I've heard them click when they feed, but not when making nests. When they build nests they will take a breath at the surface, then put their heads underwater and blow a bubble. Is it possible the clicking sound is him biting at the water, looking for food? My Gourami (also labyrinth fish) always make clicking sounds when they feed.
no i hear the snapping noise during feeding, this is different. the betta isnt nesting it seemed like it was some sort of display to the others. it only lasted just over a second and sounded like when you flick through a deck of cards.
That's very interesting, I definitely haven't heard of that before.

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