Whats In Your Aquaclear?


Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Queens, NY
TO those who use Aquaclear HOB Power Filters...the unit comes with a Filter Sponge, A Carbon Pack and a Biomax Pack. I've noticed a lot of people on this forum uses different materials in their filters. What do you use as filter media? :unsure:
I use what they come with. Aquaclear r by far my fravoiest filter of all beside spongefilter for fry.
I have regular sponge stuff, and a carbon sack in mine, I like Aquaclear, my water is never dirty or cloudy(due to problems with filter, not my laziness lol) and it always provides good aeration. I've never had a problem. I run an Aquaclear 200 (i know, too big) and I'm happy it will still work great on my upgrade tank.
I use 2 sponges Biomax and filter floss. I cut one of the sponges to squeeze everything in. I don't bother with carbon, unless I want to get rid of meds. I just started using the Biomax, but I'm not sure if it really helps as much as they say it does.
I just use a regular carbon cartridge and a sort of sponge in my filter. My favorite brand of filter would have to be Penguin, though; I have one penguin that has lasted me for more than a decade, and it still works pretty well.
I think its really good comparing to the other filters I've had in the past...IMO
I have an aquaclear with two sponges and filter floss where the carbon usually goes.
I run an AC 300

bottom layer = AC 300 sponge
second layer = AC 300 Carbon pouch
third layer = AC Mini Amonia sac + AC Mini carbon sac
Forth layer = AC 300 sponge
+ on the intake i run a sponge from the local hardwear used mainley for outdoor ponds.
I have 7 filters from Aqua Clear, 4 Aqua Clear 200's, 1 aqua clear 300, and 2 aqua clear 500's.

I use 2 sponges in each, no ohter filter media.
Yep, same here. Sponge, and when I need to remove meds or tannins, I stick in the carbon for a bit. :)

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