Whats In My Tank?

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May 1, 2005
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Leeds, UK

Ive noticed a little white thing in my tank, its only very very small and i only just noticed it at all.

It was like crawling along the glass and then it shot off of the glass into the tank somewhere...

any ideas what it is... i know my description is a bit dodgy but don't know what else to say :)

No idea. Can you post pics?
sounds like my first view of fry ... LOL... looked like a bug or little tiny white worm... swam up the edge of the glass a little and then zoomed up into a hiding place... do you have any livebearers?
"looked like a bug or little tiny white worm"

Thats what it sounds like... Ive got a few guppies and a few neon tetras in there....

So what is it then, is it good or bad? :S

Thanks! :)
a small white/opaque worm that moves much like a catterpilla?
If so it is planeria, harmless but often caused by overfeeding.
don't feed your fish for 3-4days and they will eat the planeria.
it could be planaria but could also be fry, especially since you have guppies. fry are very skittish when they are first born since they have to avoid being eaten by their parents, so maybe it just got spooked by you!
if it is a fry you will see fins and eyes on it by looking very closely. If it is actually a worm, then you are overfeeding. I've had those and they eventually disappeared afetr a while of cutting down on feedings

I noticed a similar thing in my tank yesterday. I am currently going through a fishless cycle and have planaria. I have been advised that it is common to see things like this, my forum post is here.

But yesterday I noticed some other type creature in crawling over the glass. It was very small and quick, It would shoot across the glass and then swim off into the tank. Planaria dont do this as they are a worm. So with a little bit of research I discovered that it was in fact Cyclops, info here. As far as I can work out this like planaria is also harmless to your tank and will make a nice meal when I get fish.

Hope this helps.. :)

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