Whats Happening To To My Fish?

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Fish Crazy
Jun 19, 2013
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this morning, one of my rasboras was swimming at the top of the water as if gasping for air. it was tilted to one side too, it was like one of its fins had fallen off or something. i put him in a small 1 gallon-ish container. he did not make it through the day. it was an older fish, almost 2 years probably. could this be old age? or not? now I cant find my littlest rsbora, and its only a 10 gallon tank! what do you think is happening?
What fish do you have in the 10 gallon?  That might help in determining where your fish might have gone.  What are your readings for ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte? How often are you doing water changes and how much water are you changing?  Any major changes or other fish added before all this started happening?
sounds like a bigger fish is killing your rasboras. Do you have maybe a male betta or dwarf gourami in your tank? or perhaps some tiger barbs?

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