Whats happening to my Neon??

Neon junkie

New Member
Apr 13, 2005
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Cambridge. U.K

I have 6 neon tetras in my tank along with 6 glolites and recently noticed that one of the neons looks more like a glolite!! The top of his body has gone really clear like the glolites and he tends to swim with them rather then the neons.
Am i just being really paranoid or could something be happening?? he seems okay and is swimming about like normal. The blue strip through the middle of his body has gone pale to.
Typically when neons go pale it's a sign of stress or sickness, but if he seems fine I wouldn't worry about it much. Just keep an eye on him.

He hasn't lost colour in the red strip has he, does it look like a saddle the pale bit on the body, from the dorsal fin around the tummy.
Have you noticed any change in the shape of the fish?
He looks slightly rounder in shape and he is active enough and eating well!! :huh: ill just keep an eye on him and hope his colour perks up. Could this be a sign of old age or something??
If by rounder, you mean deeper in the body, wider from above or the front, or generally "fatter", then that is not a worry. What I meant was more "bent". He sounds like a she.
Oh wow!! HE's a SHE, thats good. Whilst we are on the subject what are the differences between males and females? any distinctive markings, sizing i should look for? Do the females eat more?? :p
Thanks for everybodys help, i feel much better knowing that she's not going to the big fish bowl in the sky on me!!!(just yet) :rolleyes:
what are the differences between males and females? any distinctive markings, sizing i should look for?

Females have a bent blue stripe where as the males have straight blue stripe and females tend to be alittle larger than the males and are more rounded.

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