Whats Happening To My Hermits?

ice maiden

New Member
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I had 5 red leg hermits, but am now down to 2....they just seem to dissapear out of their shells?

in my tank I have a bristle star, cleaner shrimp. 5 turbo snails and just put a small clown in
I lost a few in the beginning as well. You didn't mention your water params. Startup time is the most critical and most losses occur then. Hermits are pretty much able to fend for themselves. Do you have any fish that go for inverts? SH
sg 1.023
PH 8
Amonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5

my only fish is a clown......

so i presume this is quite a common occurance?
It's not unusual to lose a few during startup. Actually, hermits are usually the ones robbing other inverts of their shells. SH

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