Whats Happened To My Cycle?


New Member
Dec 14, 2009
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Hello. Im currently cycling my 64L tank (fishless and with food) I finally got the Ammonia up to 4ppm so I stopped adding food. Its been 17 days and only today the Ammonia looks like its now 2ppm - is this normal? The Nitrite has been 2ppm for 17 days aswell. PH was 8.2 the last time I tested and its 7.6 out of the tap. I did have the temp only on 26C but turned that up to 28C 3 days ago. I have a Interpet PH2 filter. I dont have any plants yet. Any reason why its taking so long? I have also been adding StressZyme which dosent seem to be doing anything!
Personally I would keep waiting.
Don't bother adding stress-zyme in after the bottle runs out.
Cycling can take up to 6 weeks when done properly.
Agree, just wait, you're doing mostly the right things. Seventeen days could easily be about right for the first ammonia to start dropping in a fishfood fishless cycle. You are probably nearing the end of the first of the 3 phases of fishless cycling. Using organic sources like the fishfood and dead stresszyme bacteria creates a less controlled daily amount of ammonia which can add some time to the process as compared to straight ammonia.


Sounds like you are going through the same as me... On day 6 of my cycle my ammonia dropped to 2ppm, I am now on day 17 and it is still at 17ppm... The advice I have been getting is the same as you, to just sit it out... Frustrating isn't it when you just want to get it done so you can get your fish in!!!

You can see my cycle record here: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/316403-my-fishless-cycle/

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