Whats gonna be the best way...


Mar 11, 2004
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Virginia, United States
I'm getting a 20 gal long tank for free from a friend but I don't have a lot of room in my room. Its going to have to go where my 10 gal tank is now which is on my dresser and I'm gonna try to put my 10 gal on my computer desk with my betta tank. The question is how do I go about moving the 10? I read in the booklet with the tank you're not supposed to move a full tank but what if I drained half the water? When I'm done I was thinking of making the 20 a planted community tank with the fish I have now and putting a divider or 2 in the 10 and I could have maybe 2 male bettas and a female or 2 in the last section? I may have to think about that but my main concern now is how to move it about. The only place I have to keep the fish in other than the 10 gal for moving it would be a 4 gal rubbermaid trash can which I use to do water changes. What do you think?

I also need to go by a hood and light for the 20 I'm getting which I'm not going to be able to do for another week until I get some money for my birthday so I'm not in a real big hurry to do this I just thought I could use some advice.
Also is it gonna matter if the tank hangs off the edges a bit? I haven't seen the tank yet but I was told its a Low/Long tank so it could be a decent length and the dresser is only 30" wide.
I have moved a 15 gallon before by doing as you suggest. Empty some of the water (i emptied over half) until you can lift the tank straight up and hae someone slide in a sturdy piece of plywood or something like it then get them to help you moveit to its new location and slide it off. But you need to be careful with the initial lift do it from the bottom and with as little torque on the frame as possible. HTH :)
If it hangs over past the frame if it has one then thats not good. Cut a sturdy piece of wood or metal and place that under the tank.
When I moved my 29g twice, I emptied about 80% of the water. After 2 tough moves I lost 1 cardinal tetra. If your tank is not fully on the stand or table you will have a DISASTER.
The 10 gallon should be no problem moving. I moved mine as well. I just emptied about half the tank of water into safe container, and moved the tank by lifting it. Once it was in place, I put the water back in from the container.

If it hangs over past the frame if it has one then thats not good. Cut a sturdy piece of wood or metal and place that under the tank.
I agree. Make sure the wood is the same length & width of the tank. If the tank is a standard 20 gallon tank (24"L x 12"W) it should be no problem, but if it's a 20 long (30" x 20"W) then it will probably just fit.
I'm pretty sure its a 20 Long. I'll probably be another week before I actually get the tank because I'm going out of town this weekend so I'll have to see. The dimension of the dresser top are 30" L x 18" W so 30" x 20" could be a problem. I think I'll do as suggested and get some plywood (should I get it treated so its waterproof?) and cut it so its about 32" x 22" so I can have an inch of room around the sides just to make me feel safer. Do I need to secure the plywood to the dresser somehow? I really don't wanna put holes in it but if I have to I will. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
You don't have to secure the plywood, but just to prevent in from slipping or even scratching your dresser, you can probalby use one of those anti-skid things for carpets and place it in between the dresser and plywood. It probably would not hurt to have the plywood waterproofed.
A 20 gallon long is 30 inches long by 12 inches wide. It will fit fine on the dresser. The ten gallon tank will be very easy to move. If you don't want to move a partially filled aquarium, you could just put the fish in a large bucket with the aquarium water and then move it. You would probably risk your fish that way though. I would just empty half and have someone help you move it. Don't try yourself. It will cause your fish a lot of stress where as if someone helped you, the tank would be a lot more stable and less splashing water. I hope this helps!


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