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Apr 23, 2004
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:sick: OK- I don't know how much more I can take!!! Now I have a zebra danio that's bloated and colors look a little dark and not eating. Also prior to this I noticed my Dwarf Gourami has stringy poop but still eating. I previously lost a Dwarf gourami due to same thing although I thought he was hiding due to harassmaent from aforesaid Gourami so moved him to neon tetra tank and he died and one of neon tetras just died in hospital tank. Help!!-Water Parameters are fine! I think the gourami's may have been sick when I bought them as all this occured after they were introduced into tank. Since my hospital tank is in use I decicded to treat my 20 gal tank with a broad spectrum antibiotic-150 mg Kanamycin Sulfate and Nitrofurazone Activity which is supposed to cover abdominal bloat, bacterial infections, columnaris and fungal infections. Any other suggestions? :dunno:
Here are the water parameters:
Ammonia 0

Also I tried the to feed cooked shelled pea to zebra danio but he wouldn't eat. :-(
Leave temp. where it's at....don't raise it as you would when treating ich.
Columnaris, at least, likes the heat.

Kanacyn is supposed to be a good medicine.
Pimafix has helped a fish of mine who wasn't eating before.
:nod: thanks REG2K2!
I'll try the Pimafix also. This is all so complicated! I've read 5 books regarding fish and try to do everything to keep the water perfect (timely water changes and filter maintenance, good food) but alot to depend on the quality of the fish and there are so many variables -were they stressed in delivery, are they already diseased etc... The last visit to my LFS was very depressing. Many fish were dead in the aquariums and I was told they had a recent shipment and many die due to stress. I also saw some partially eaten fish in tanks. I'm searching for another fish store so when I'm ready to buy again I will feel confident in my purchase. Thanks! Wish me luck! ;)
:byebye: My zebra danio just died. I'm still treating the tank with meds and everyone else is looking okay so far. They are all eating fine. Soooo I'll just have to wait and see!! :unsure:
Sry to hear that. :(
Glad the others are doing well.
What you are describing sound alot like a internal bacterial infection. Its classic symptoms in gourami.. (stringy poo and sometimes swollen mouth/lips) Gouramies these days seem to have a real problem with them. They say its due to overbreeding in poor conditions to meet market demand.

I had the same problem with mine and treated with an internal bacteria medication. It worked fine and a week later the fish was fine. Try feeding the sheeled cooked peas to the gourami , they are vegie eaters rather than meat and most foods these days are protein based, the extra fibre will help the fish expel the bacteria quicker and its good to feed as a twice weekly treat . My fish love em :p

Give it time -_- ...things should settle... sadly you tend to notice too late with bacterial infections and so loose the ones that have been infected for a while.

Hope it works out ok :thumbs:
:) Hey Littleme!

Well things were good for awhile but the gourami has stringy poop again!! He was eating and looking great but just noticed it. I guess I should treat with same medication? :huh: Do you have a recommendation for another medication? Water parameters are the same.
Thanks! ;)
If there are no other obvious symptoms I would just leave him and keep an eye on out for any further diteriation. As mentioned before stringy poo could just be a digestion problem, he maybe constipated :rolleyes: :lol: .. and we all know how that feels :fun: I have a male guppy at the moment who is so bunged up he looks fatter than the preggers females..lol But he's such a greedy little begger :crazy: . I think he needs weghtwatchers :rofl:
Try getting a veggie based flake food and mixing it in with your ordinary flake. That way it won't be such a shock to the digestion. And the peas are always a good source of fibre. Give it time rather than just treating straight away. I'm sure it will work out (the poo that is ;) )
Its unlikely to be a bacterial problem again but if he does go down hill then treat straight away.
:lol: Yeah it is hard to tell what the problem is. He is still eating though and his colors are looking okay. I will try to feed him peas. That's if he gets any as my zebra danios love them and are really quick when it comes to eating anything. :shifty: I heard that melafix is kind of a tonic for the bowels and I guess it wouldn't hurt to give some of that. I've noticed that it makes the fish "go" when I've used it before! :nod: Thanks for the advice!
:( Sorry to say the gourami is in the hospital tank and just staying at the bottom. It almost looks like his tail is hanging down. I'm using Pimafix but i don't think there's much hope as he's not eating and looking a bit drab. The antibiotic did not seem to help at all the second time around. :no: Keep good thoughts though-you never know! :unsure:
I too am having the same problem with one of my guppies. I have Kanacyn but i read someplace that anti bacterial medicine can disrupt a perfectly cycled tank and god, thats all i need. So, I read about giving fish that have internal parasites a salt dip. This includes one gallon of dechlorinated water with 4 teaspoons of salt. I let him swim in this concoction for about 20 minutes. I haven't seen a difference yet.

poor timing too, I leave for eastern europe tomorrow!!

anyone know anything about Kanacyn disrupting the bacteria in a cycled tank?

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