Whats going on!?


New Member
Sep 15, 2024
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I've had a little problem with fin rot between guppies. I treated the tank with Melafix, but have now moved onto AquaCare ulcer amd fin rot treatment. I have no idea if this is a factor of what's going on!!
I dosed the tank yesterday and today, all the guppies and endlers seem to be fighting for dominace. They are following, chasing, bumping and showing dorsal fins to each other. For the first few minutes of watching, it was rather entertaining to think they're trying to create a pecking order, however, this has been going on for hours now and I'm getting concerned that they may hurt each other. I'm thinking of switching the light off, to calm everyone? They have not long been fed, which is why a few are at the top hoping for more. My water checks are all fine. I don't really know what else to do? Any thoughts?
@24 secs on that vid it looks like breeding activity to me. I have this every morning with my Sawbwa and always end up with torn fins. I’m no expert on livebearers but you may have a larger male to female ratio so fighting will be more common which is the problem I originally had with my Sawbwa.

@emeraldking is this the case with livebearers?
It seems that we are dealing with an all male tank of platies and guppies. Those male guppies try to mate with the male platies because they are bigger and those male guppies think they're females. Those male platies are a substitute for female guppies as it seems.
And male guppies can fight eachother to see which one of them may try to mate with one of those male platies. And of course no actual mating will take place in this case.
@emeraldking is this the case with livebearers?
This is an all male tank. So, no females present.
I was trying to keep it all male as I didn't want breeding. Should I have a few females to balance it out? I have one male who has fin rot, so mat be a little weaker and I'm really feeling sorry for him as he seems to be getting the brunt of it. I've been thinking about getting a breeding box that he can sit in for a couple of days to give him a rest. Or would this stress him more with being isolated?
I was trying to keep it all male as I didn't want breeding. Should I have a few females to balance it out? I have one male who has fin rot, so mat be a little weaker and I'm really feeling sorry for him as he seems to be getting the brunt of it. I've been thinking about getting a breeding box that he can sit in for a couple of days to give him a rest. Or would this stress him more with being isolated?
Well, if fins get torn, fin rot, mucus or fungus can become a side effect. But the risk of fin rot after an inury is less likely. Adding some salt is a remedy. If that male seems a bit lethargic, then keeping him in a breeding box could help. If he's still too active, then a breeding box will stress him out more.

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