Whats Going On With My Girls?


Feb 16, 2006
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Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
I'm having some trouble with my female bettas. Okay I had a girlie a few weeks ago who died mysteriously the day after I got her, when I found her she had a white chalky covering on her face and over her eyes, it wasn't fuzzy, it just looked as if someone painted her face with chalk. There were no marks anywhere else on her body. I did a water change and started the tank on a round of maracyn just as a preventitive. So a couple of days later my plakat girl, Ivy, looked a little pale and chalky on her face, I seperated her and treated her with melafix, and did a big water change on the tank. after a few days she seemed perfeclty fine. So I gave her a couple more days in quarantine just to be sure and then put her back in the tank. A week or so later I got a new girl, and when I added her a did a water change and started the tank on a short round of melafix just as a precaution. I do regular water changes about twice a week in the tank. So yesterday, 2 weeks after I got the newest girl I noticed that Princess my doubletail girl had white fuzz on her lips and face and was swimming vertically or just laying on her side on the bottom, so I removed her and treated her, by last night she was dead, I don't know if I may have accidently ODed her on the meds or if whatever she had killed her or a combination of the two. And now today my emerald HM girl Stormy seems to have developed eye cloud. Do you think all of these are related and what should I do???

Tank parameters:

size: 29 gallons
Ammonoia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Ph: 70
Temp: 76 degrees
It sounds like a very bad fungus infestation, id get all your fish out of there and treat them all right away, even if they have no symptoms. My best guess is that it came in on one of the fish you bought and infected your tank. Treat the tank without the fish in it, and do alot of water changes, the fungus wont be able to last long if it doesn't have a host.
The doubletail that died, is that the one you're trying to sell on aquabid? If so, I think you can delete your auctions, can't you? You should probably do that.
Definately treat all of your fish.

In the future, you should always quarantine new fish before adding them to an established, healthy tank.

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