Whats going on here?


May 2, 2004
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England (Bedfordshire)
Ok, i fed my fish about 2 hours ago, all fine and normal, right now i have every fish apart from my pleco at the surface and they seem to be taking in air, why is this, this has never happened before, and it is HIGHLY unusal for my black tetra's to be hover at the surface too

Somebody help me here, i dont know if this is a problem or if it will pass?
They were fine though, it wasnt until after i fed them, they are at good temp, and have a large amount of air flowing through the water... I dont think it is anything to do with air and temp

I have had a few venture down towards to bottom, but they aint been down there very long, the tetra's seem to have decended to their normal spot...

All i want to know is will this pass or is there anything i should do right NOW!?

Oh i am worried only because my bala shark has rapid gill movement
are you just going to ignore advice?? :/

At least give it a go - it's exactly what i'd suggest too.
Actually i didnt ignore it, i am givinng it a try, i have just set up a air pump and also sorted the power head so it too is pumping air now, so i have tripled the amount of air flowing into the tank, i have also decreased the temp a little, i will give a update of any imporvements in about a hour
It was at 30 C, but please do note i do have angels as well, and 30C is the temp they are comfortable at, but i am bring it down to about 28C
I got the advice off a guy here on these forums, because my temp used to be 28C, i got these angels and their fins were always clamped tight to their body, i tried treatment and it so happened it wasnt that, so this guy told me to raise it to 30C, because thats what angels like best, i did and boom, the angels spread their fins and were swimming about happily, that why i didnt think it was the temp, but i have started decreasing it for the time being until this problem goes away in which i can return things to the way they were, i just dont get how feeding them would have done all this, something i do everyday, what did i do different today to make them all come to the surface and gasping for air
my dad keeps his angels at 26C, there ok and breeding although they do come from a wamer climat bu most are usually tank breed i,ve had it happen to me, a fish tank is a mini ecosystem and any one thing can trigger something else, as long as there ok now dont worry, just keep an eye on them
Ok, thanks for all your help

The fish seem to be settling now, most of them have returned to their normal spots, though still a few of my female swordies are still hovering at the surface, but i do believe they should be fine by tomorrow morning

As i said thankyou to the both of you for your help and hopefully everything should be fine now...


Just an update

The fish are doing fine now and i think i tracked down the problem, see i was actually spending the night at one of me mates house the other night, o when i got home i did not know my mother had already fed my fish that morning, because she did not tell me (Even though i told her the fish will be fine until i get home) and so without knowing i fed my fish twice (Which i only feed them once a day, and it tends to be a good meal for them) it ended up over feeding them, i cleaned out my filter this morning and you could see it was a over feed, because they had hardly touched the food i put in, and what a rotten job it was this morning, but all is fine now and everything is back to normal, thanks for the help last night i was fearing the worse


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