What's eating my Angel!


Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Miserable Wells, Texas

Hi all,
New here, but will be lurking around a lot!

I have a question about what may be eating my new angel's tail.

I have a fairly new 55gal setup. I am primarily wanting to raise angels, but I got some other fish to get all the bio stuff going on before I got my angels.

I have 3 fancytail guppies, 3 danios, 1 male betta, and last week I added my first set of 3 angels, about the size of a quarter.

Well, I added 3 new ones yesterday, and this morning I got up and one is missing half his tail....these 3 are about the size of nickel, I also added a cory cat yesterday.

What is making fish bait out of my baby??

I have raised angels before, and had 2 breeding pair, but never had problems with other fish eating angles this big....any input would be greatly appreciated,
I wouldn't be suprised if the culprit is your betta. He most probably looks on the angel as competition and found the angels fins too much of a temptation! Bettas like to think that they're the best looking fish in the tank, and any flowing fins are definitely in danger with them!!
My bet would be the Danios. If not in a fairly sizeable group, the, "tag" game starts with other fish. They've been known to nip long fins.
"...I have 3 fancytail guppies, 3 danios, 1 male betta..." - MamaPish

Not a good idea! :no:

Fancy-tail Guppies can often be mistaken by Siamese Fighters as another male of the same species, causing them to attack &, of course, completely obliterate the Guppy.

Even if you haven't seen signs of aggression, try removing one Guppy & your Siamese Fighter, placing them in different bags next to each other so each is in clear view of the other, & watch the Fighters reaction. Do this with all your Guppies just to be sure.

There's a real risk there. You want to ensure your Fighter has recognised the Guppies are not fellow Fighters.

I would also consider upping your Danio count to at least ten.
First up HiYa and welcome MamaPish :thumbs: ...

.. there you go ... 3 replys and all your fish are responsible -_- :eek: :rolleyes: lol ;)

.....unfortunatley they could all be right..... :S

bettas dont like anything new they might consider as a threat...

likewise with the the guppies and the especially the danios but as Amadaca says larger numbers of these should keep the squabbles 'in house'

I think the problem is because the angles are so small...

Things should settle down though :unsure:

Keep us upto date and let us know how things develope :thumbs:

:huh: I'm just going out on a limb here, but is the tail disappearing evenly, or is the tail looking jagged? Even though it is probably a bite, if it keeps getting worse, then it's probably fin rot! I believe that the way 'round it is, is that, if it's even, it's a bacterial fin rot, and if it's jagged, it's fungal. Is that right, anyone? I dunno, but it might be worth checking out! Good luck!


Thanks for the great welcome and advice,
I have taken care of the problem...called a friend and they took all the "non" angelfish off my hands, except for my cory.

I am really wanting just an angel tank, so time to get a few more little angels so they can start picking a mate!

Thanks everyone!

Oh and it was a bite...half his tail was taken off very close to his body. It happend sometimes last night.
When I turned off their light he had it, then by this morning, it was gone!

Could he get an infection from the injury?
Should I isolate him, or medicate the water?
Thanks Trish
Hi Trish

...you didn't mention the other fish in your first post -_-

What else is in there??

..on the other q...

..yes he could get an infection but if the waters good then he should heal fine by himself. Salt or a product like Melafix can aid the process. Best just to keep an eye on him and let us know how things go :thumbs: ;)

other fish:

sorry, guess that was confusing :S

I meant the guppies, danios and betta :devil: .....I just got rid of them tonight, a friend came and took them off my hands.

So for now I just have my 6 angles :angel: and my cory cat

Thanks again!

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