Whats A Good Tetra That Stays Mid Level?


Jan 17, 2007
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my own subjective universe
whats a good mid level tetra for a 10 gallon, i just got a 10 gallon(its cycled) and i want a tetra that will swim mid level, not neons though, every time i have had them they stayed closer to the bottom

My immediate thought was Congos, then I noticed the size of your tank. It is a bit small for a decent group of anything really, Phantoms perhaps?
I've seen a similar tank with 6 Glowlights, they tend to stay around the middle.
why dont you try a shoal of about 6 rummy nose tetras, when the water quality is good they look nice in a shoal but im not sure if your tank is large enough to house them.
Personally I would not go for Rummy nose Tetra's in a tank of that size. They are VERY sensitive to poor water quality and in a tank that size it is a lot harderto keep the water perfect.

Glowlight Tetras are a very underrated fish IMO. A Small shoal of about half a dozen would look very nice. When they are well looked after that get a very bright red line down them and they are a very active mid/bottom fish. Onyl thing I did find is that they are extremely stupid (I just 3 or 4 in a tank with an internal filter because they would swim behind it and get stuck :( ).

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