Whats a good size tank for a Betta duplex?


New Member
Aug 16, 2004
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Ontario, Canada
I want to create a tank for my two and possibly one more betta fish.

10 gallon tanks i have checked into but the one i looked at was perfect length... but was really long to the back... it could've almost been made so six fish could live there.... :) crazy...

but let me know.... if anyone who sees this has pictures or sites with good fish tanks forsale... PLEASE POST!!!!
well accually iv got a divided 10g myself, in one side is about 3g's and thats where im gunna b keping my male at, and in the other side is the remaining 7g's where ill keep a lil female community, there is no such thing as to much room :D , u can always redivide it. and if ur like everyone else here u will end up the the betta addiction and will probably have more than 3 fish at one point, id just go head and divide off the 10g to much is better than to lil.

heres my current setup, there are no fish yet, hes on their way from indonesia:

GuppyDude said:
well accually iv got a divided 10g myself, in one side is about 3g's and thats where im gunna b keping my male at, and in the other side is the remaining 7g's where ill keep a lil female community, there is no such thing as to much room :D , u can always redivide it. and if ur like everyone else here u will end up the the betta addiction and will probably have more than 3 fish at one point, id just go head and divide off the 10g to much is better than to lil.

heres my current setup, there are no fish yet, hes on their way from indonesia:

Just say, it's from inbs. :p

Loving that setup though.

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