What's A Good Heater To Get?


New Member
Mar 9, 2008
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Hey everyone,

I just looked at my tank and the thermometer read almost 90 degrees...

Considering the temperature on the heater is 74 - I'm guessing something may be wrong w/ the heater eh?

So I'm trying to slowly get the temperature down and will go to the store for a new heater...but can someone recommend a decent one?

I want to get this fixed before it causes the rest of my fish to die!
I have two Marineland Visi-Therm Stealth heaters that I purchased after hearing good things about them. Read some reviews on them...so far I've been extremely satisfied and especially like that they are shatterproof.
Is it an adjustable heater? If so, make sure you did not accidentally turn it up higher than it needs to be. Try lowering it. (sorry, I know you're not stupid). But I use junk w/e heaters like aga. I don't recommend them for being superior to any others but they get the job done.
had 2 visitherm's go duff with in 8 months (50w and a 250w) or so. I changed over to aqua one and rena no probs yet touch wood
Visitherms, Tetratecs and Hagen Elites are about the only internal heaters I trust these days. I've had most others fail on me at some point while still fairly new. The Fluval tronics are supposed to be good though, and being electronic, they should last better and will likely fail off, rather than on like most others ;) I know someone who claims to be running a 30yr old Visitherm mind.... Now try tell him they don't last :lol:

Fluval are the best i've used by far, other two brands i've had was Juwel (with tanks) and Rena, both failed to see the year out.
Fluval are the best i've used by far, other two brands i've had was Juwel (with tanks) and Rena, both failed to see the year out.

I have had a juwel heater that ran perfect for 6 years and is still going, i think it might be pot luck with some makes :good:
Is it an adjustable heater? If so, make sure you did not accidentally turn it up higher than it needs to be. Try lowering it. (sorry, I know you're not stupid). But I use junk w/e heaters like aga. I don't recommend them for being superior to any others but they get the job done.

Haha..yea it's adjustable and no I didn't turn it up.

The exact problem is that I don't think it's actually taking readings of the tank. It's just staying on at all times

So for now I'm just leaving it room temp - which is roughly 73ish anyway so it should work until I get a new one.
I have used mostly visi-therms and Renas since getting back into the hobby with no problems. Long ago, when I was last in the hobby, I used Hagens because they were superior to everything else at the time. I have never had a new type heater go bad on me but I no longer am tempted by the cheap ones. Now I can afford to buy quality and have very few failures of any equipment at all. That said, the stuff that comes in a kit with aquariums is usually junk that does not go into my tanks at all.

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