What'd Be The Easiest Way To Do This?


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2006
Reaction score
Alabama, USA
Ok betta ppl :lol: I need some help/advice. You see, I have three male bettas. The 2nd of three lives in the smallest bowl (not incredibly small... but not great, know what I mean?) he was a rescue, and it was the only thing I could get him in. Now, he has a bigger bowl, and I want to move him to it. I'm not too sure how though... I've read that netting bettas is a bad thing to do, and I can't just pour him into his new bowl (rocky substrate) so... what do you figure would be the best way to move him to a bigger place?

Question 2 :D I want to get all the gravel out of my three bettas, so water changes (moreover, getting out the waste) would be much easier. What is a good way to do that?

Thanks Everybody! as soon as I can figure out how to take pictures of them worth a darn, you'll see them :blush:
1: use a cup and scoop him out :)

2: again, use a cup, scoop em out, dump the gravel, fill it up with water, and pour them back in. :D

Oh I also feel I should say something.... it shouldn't be difficult to clean out the substrate really. Especially in bowls. What I do is, scoop out the fish, bring the bowl to the sink, dump as much water as you can without spilling substrate, then add some tap water to rinse out the substrate, swish it around, dump it. Fill 'er back up, add water conditioner, and plop your fish back in. :p
1: use a cup and scoop him out :)

2: again, use a cup, scoop em out, dump the gravel, fill it up with water, and pour them back in. :D

Oh I also feel I should say something.... it shouldn't be difficult to clean out the substrate really. Especially in bowls. What I do is, scoop out the fish, bring the bowl to the sink, dump as much water as you can without spilling substrate, then add some tap water to rinse out the substrate, swish it around, dump it. Fill 'er back up, add water conditioner, and plop your fish back in. :p

well, thanks alot! Never figures something that simple :S just trying to think of something too complex I guess, ya know :look: Thanks alot!

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