Fish Crazy
Ok betta ppl
I need some help/advice. You see, I have three male bettas. The 2nd of three lives in the smallest bowl (not incredibly small... but not great, know what I mean?) he was a rescue, and it was the only thing I could get him in. Now, he has a bigger bowl, and I want to move him to it. I'm not too sure how though... I've read that netting bettas is a bad thing to do, and I can't just pour him into his new bowl (rocky substrate) so... what do you figure would be the best way to move him to a bigger place?
Question 2
I want to get all the gravel out of my three bettas, so water changes (moreover, getting out the waste) would be much easier. What is a good way to do that?
Thanks Everybody! as soon as I can figure out how to take pictures of them worth a darn, you'll see them

Question 2
Thanks Everybody! as soon as I can figure out how to take pictures of them worth a darn, you'll see them