What would your plan be?


Spinning around
Oct 25, 2003
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Well thought I'd start a new Oddball/Predator/Catfish tank soon and I have pretty much decided on the stock. I just thought you'd all like to have a go at a plan yourselfs, but ofcourse theres rules!

Your plan must include
1 Botia Berdmorei
3 Mogurnda mogurnda Gobies or 3 Peacock Eels. :)

The tank will be a minimum size of 30 gallons and a maximum size of 55 gallons and you have to stock it at all levels, top, middle and bottom. Have fun. :) It will be intresting to see how you would stock it. :thumbs:
3 sabretooth tetras for the surface, 5 FW baracuda for the middle and the bottom you have sorted :lol:
:lol: I doubt I'd have the Sabres for long. :no: But freshwater Baracudas. :rolleyes:

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