What Would You Suggest As An Ideal First Cory For A Beginner?


Oct 18, 2009
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NE Dorset
I am new to fish keeping and have 13 Harlequin Rasboras in a 165 litre Aqua One 850. Now looking to exapnd...

I like the look of corys but not sure which to go for. I ideally want some that are hardy (to survive my mistakes) friendly and attractive - any ideas welcome / ones I should avoid.

Hi there

Has your tank is a week old from your other topic,i would hang fire before you add any cories,they can be quite sensitive to water conditions.

But once you are cycled they are fab little fish,depends what temperature you tank is set at,has different cories require different temps,
I keep leopard and skunk corys,my temp is usually around 25 degrees,

Some prefer higher or lower temps,i would see what your lfs got in the way of cories then read up on them and/or post back here.
Hi stoneagedinosaur :)

The C. aeneus, either bronze or albino is usually a good choice for a beginner. I would suggest avoiding C. pandas and, unless your tank is going to be in the 75-82 F. range, C. sterbai. Most corys that you can readily find will do well in any peaceful community. :D

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