What Would You Say Is The Ideal Betta Temperature?

I keep mine at e at 27 degrees C. The general average is 26-28.
I keep mine at e at 27 degrees C. The general average is 26-28.

Just what I was thinking! My tank is nearly at that! Just adjusted it a little. Pic's will follow soon.

Gonna get a nice cave to go in there too. By the way, do Bettas actually use the caves???
from what people say some bettas use the caves...none of mine do tho even tho i graciously provide them :unsure: well i guess they are there if they want to use them.
from what people say some bettas use the caves...none of mine do tho even tho i graciously provide them :unsure: well i guess they are there if they want to use them.

He he! Any idea on a good cave for a 22l tank. SOmething that looks natural???
Running at 78-79. Betta is very active. Of the two bettas I personally know, they both have cave type setups. Mine does not actually stay inside, but loves going in and out. The other likes floating inside by the opening and watching out from it. All individual preference, I guess ...
I kept mine at 78F and it wasnt very active. but then it was dying by the time I had it at that temp(before) it was at like 72.

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