What Would You Get With 8 Or So Tiger Barbs?


Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2004
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what would go good with 8 or so tiger barbs in a 45 gallon tak? all suggestions welcome :)
Whatever you decide to get will get chased and their fins nipped by your tiger barbs, I think they are lovely, especially the green ones but Ive never kept them for that very reason.

Im sure others will be able to suggest possible tank mates but I think you might be better trying to rehome them then you can keep anything you want, the tiger barbs will kinda narrow down you options.
I would get 3 loaches for the bottom such as botia striata they stay quite small 3-4 inches or 3 of a different kind of loach which stays small avoid clowns as they can grow 12 inches long. I would also get a bristlenose plec for clean up then stick with tiger barbs for the rest of the tank, get some green and albinos as well for a bit of variety.

Corries and stuff should be okay, I dont know about any middle swimmers that would be okay with tiger barbs though, they are a tricky one and as Ive said I dont keep them for that reason.

I hope somweone will come up with something because like I said I do like them and if they can be kept with another fish Id be interested to know.
thanks for the replies, now i have one more question...

what about an like 5 or so ottos? how would that be? this is a 45 gallon tank by the way
It might work if the tank is well planted so the ottos have somewhere to hide. There was a post a while ago where someone said their tiger barbs were taking chunks out of their corys dorsal fins and as ottos tend to stay still a lot that might be a problem but so long as there are hiding places they should be fine. How long has the tank been set up as ottos tend to do better in tanks over 6 months old. They will also require algae disks and cucumber once the initial algae level has dropped. I'd be tempted to get a bigger plec such as a bristlenose or a rubbernose / bulldog as they only get 4-6 inches long and seem more sturdy than ottos.

Why don't you just have species tank of just tiger barbs? In my opinion, that would look soooo cool. And 45g is a nice size for them. You could have like 15, and it would be a really awesome tank! The tiger barbs I've kept went everywhere in my tanks, bottom, middle, top. They're a great little fish, and color up beautifully when kept on their own. My males would get so dark and their faces and fins would get sooo red. Really lovely. Just me rambling, though.
If you simply get a large number of barbs like maybe 12 or 15 they will only nip and play with each other and won't bother other fish you have in their like maybe you can get some gourmais or long finned or regular finned black tetras.
I have a similar setup. I have about 12 tiger barbs, with 4 cory cats, and two rubbernose pleco's. Durbkat is correct that with larger groups, the tigers tend to stay busy among themselves and not bother the other fish.
I would go with a few other type of bar or some other fast moving fish. You dont want a slow dude in ur tank for ur bar to nip on :)
i have a 20 gal with a blue gourami, 5 tiger barbs, and 1 rainbow shark with no problems.....for now atleast. with a large group i would say its safe for almost any fish except ones with long flowey fins such as angels, betas, fancy guppies, etc. gouramis, danios, most bottom/algea eaters, some cichlids would work.....this is just off the top of my head. just dont keep anyother fish in the middle section.........just an idea.....maybe you could have all tiger barbs and have a number of the normal, green, and albino ones. try asking in the correct section for barbs, tetras and such and you might get more accurate replies.
i have 4 tiger barbs in my tank and they seem to get along fine with my gouramis, red honeys, clown loaches and scissor tails.

They are my new favourite fish in the tank
I have 5 in my tank and they just play around with each other, It is heavily planted though. There is a fighter in there and they have never even gone close to him. in fact he is the daddy in the tank, even the crap runs from him when he wonders near by. in fact the only fish the fighter has a go at is the dwarf guramies if they get close to his little cave.

My tiger barbs are great to watch when they play in the middle of the tank, and every now and again two of them will put their heads together as if they are kissing and then spin round in circles chasing any other tiger that comes close. (does anyone know what this is?)

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