What would you do?


Fish Addict
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Eastern Kentucky
I was wondering if anyone would suggest any fish for my 75G, or do you think I should leave it as it is?
All the fish I have are in my sig. I'm not quite sure if I still have my upside down catfish because he has disappeared. He has been missing for a couple of weeks, and I believe he has been eaten by something. He was only 1 inch long. Today I took everything (including a little bit of gravel) out to do some redecorating, and I never saw him.

Anyway, I know I should have a few more silver dollars, since I only have one. I did have two, but the last one I got infected my entire tank with ich (I have it under control now) and died after about 4 or 5 weeks. I'm a bit apprehensive about getting any more SD's for quite a while since only one store around here sells them and they have ich (the SD I have now came from a different store, but they are sold out now and aren't ordering any).

I did have fake plants and a ton of decorations in there, but I took out all the plants because I'm going to switch to real plants. I also took out a few decorations because I felt they were too much. Share your suggestions on fish and plants. I need some ideas - I'm just not sure where I want this tank to go. Thanks!
Your lucky, there are SO MANY beautifull fish you could add to that monster of a communty tank. :D

What are the tank dimensions?
Why don't you try "upping" the count on some of the species you already have & like. Many -for instance, cory cats- are much happier in little "schools" of 6 or more. :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :band:

I wish my tanks were bigger
4ft long, 18 inches wide, 19 inches tall.

I'm not sure why, but I feel kinda restricted with my 75G. I love my tank, but the more I look at it, the smaller it looks :S
You have an awsome tank.

I also see alot of SD's in lfs with ich.

You could do a school of angels, rainbows, more corys, I could go on all night. Just remember to have fun with it. :)

.........loaches, rams, swords, you get my point
Haha yea.
I'm not really big on livebearing fish, so I don't think I will get anymore platies or anything.
I would really like to have more SD's but they are in such poor condition around here. More cories would be neat.

I have been wanting to get rams. Maybe that's a plan.

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