What would you Do?


Fish Herder
Apr 1, 2004
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Ok...hey there...Now ive just set up a 65 gallon tank and am in the process of cycleing it. I also have a 10 gallon tank (4-5 weeks old) with four Tiger Barbs in it...Now when i got them i had no knowledge of the nitrogen cycle and pet store gut said theyd be fine...I bought a tetra test kit and have watched the amonia levels in the ten gallon climb... I have been doing dayly water changes with conditioned water. I plan on adding a little more gravel / Bio-wheel filter (aqua clear 300 right now) and some Java furns and a few caves and sillk plants..

Questions ( :blink: )

1. Should i leave my Barbs in the 10 gallon and wait for the 65 to cycle...or should i add them ( and all of the gravel/plastic plants/filter from 10 gal)to the new larger tank and hope that with the addition of a bio-wheel/bacteria from smaller tank will be a better thing for them?.. I'd hate to think that there in pain :no: ..and i kinda of feel guilty for being ignorant about them and just throwin em in a tank with fake plants.

2. I have a aquaclear 150 on my ten gallon tank and a aquaclear 300 on the 65gal right now...will it be better to just hook up the 150 to the bigger tank when i want to introduce bacteria,or should i just remove the filter sponge and place it in the canister of the 300 ?

3. Can someone give me in the right direction for plant info..

Thnx for all the help.. 8)
Wow..i smell Cheeba :whistle:
I'm gonna assume that you have no fish in the 65g one at the moment. If that is the case, then adding the TB in it wouldn't do too much harm to the cycling of the tank. However if the water is still raw in the 65g, I would add something like a conditioner to it so at least the TB's gills don't get inflammed and keep a regular test of the water parameters.
No theres no fish..and i have conditioned the water...I dont have that much decoration in it...a few plastic plants and i want to add some gravel...im getting Java ferns from a local nursery that sells aquatic plants ( for half the price of the fish store) ... thnx alot for your help with my post dragonslayer.. ;)
besides the ammonia reading what are the niTRITES and niTRATES. It would be helpful in making your decision if we knew those readings. If the 10 gal is nearing the end of the cycle then why not do a water change to cut the ammonia and then when the 65 cycles make the switch then. It may be less stressful on the fish.
For plant info check out the Pinned articles in the how does you garden grow forum on this site.

Keep asking questions and read, read, read. Good Luck digital_r :) un
The 10 gal is as follows.
Ph 7.5
Nh 1.5
nitrite <0.3

65 gal
nh 0mg/l
nitrite <0.3

Question..how will i know when nitrates are forming ?

Thnx :fun:
You will need a nitrate test kit. (more money :( ) but that is the only way i know to test for nitrates. Try to get the liquid kit if you can and watch the expiry date on the box.

From the time the ammonia spikes you should see the nitrites climb within a few days. the 10 gal may be nearly cycled but without the nitrate reading it will be hard to tell if the niTRATES are just starting to go up or if they are already going down.

keep us posted :p
Ya i only have a tetra test kit...it tests everything but the nitrates. Well i guess im off to the store :p ... I might as well get the Bio-wheel while im there...im kinda scared to add them to the new tank..but they look really miserable in the 10 gal..ill keep you guys posted :)

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