What Would You Do?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 24, 2008
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I know this question gets asked fairly often but im interested to see what other members would do.
I have a new (to me) 110l tank, currently on cycle with mature media, black background and play sand substrate.
I currently have a Blood parrot tank, a convict tank, a community tank (loaches, tetra, rams), a shrimp tank, and another tank on cyle to be used as a betta tank.
The dilema is where to go next, so the question i pose to the fellow members is -

If the tank was yours how would you stock it?
Well If it was mine I would go with one really big nice fish like Tex cichlid or I would go with a mix African Cichlid group They would both be cool.
Just to point out that the tank is waaaaaaaaaaay to small for a Texas and unless you are talking shell dwellers too small fo african cichlids too.

How about some dwarf puffers?
Good question! Probably barbs for me (tiger or cherry), maybe a red tail black shark as well! Loads of plants! Have fun! :good:
Just to point out that the tank is waaaaaaaaaaay to small for a Texas and unless you are talking shell dwellers too small fo african cichlids too.

so its about 30G, what are the dimensions ?

atm i'm thinking South American Puffer but that would be provided you were happy to trim its teeth when necessary

or some kind of small predatory species like the Rainbow Wolf fish (ery ery)

or if its a 30G long you could have a musk turtle provided tank is well filtered and maintained
OWE $%^* I thought It was a 110g Its 110l oups my bad :blush: Yeah A tex or a cichlid group would be way to big May be a pair of fire mouths that would look really cool and they are some of the coolest looking fish IMO. Here is a pic of min I would say you could have 4 in a tank your size.
a firemouth would be fine in a 110litre tank why not go for a centre peice cichlid like a rainbow or a sajica or both which i am doing and get some neon rainbows and a nice BN plec i cant wait till i have them in my tank once i have sold my convicts its gonna be a stunna
providing the tank was longer than 30-32" it would be fine for the one as they arent the largest growin or speediest of fish this would greatly limit anything else that would go in there if the 110litre is fit for a convict then it is more than fit enough for a firemouth convicts are ten times more activ and rapid than i firemouth IME
Hmmmm, try to find some African Bullhead catfish (they only grow to 2.5-3') and try to breed 'em! That is definitely what I would personally do.
you could always have fire bellied newts

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