What Would You Do ?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 20, 2008
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Hi all as i've stated i have a male guppy that ive had for about 3 months and recently bought some females i already had 3 females and 2 males (including the 1 im talking about) this morning when i've checked and fed my fish i realized that my little male has over half of his tail fin missing i know that the new female and my other male has done it he's not swimming very well and just sort of sitting at the top he did get a little bit of food.

I feel awful i dont have another tank set up and i dont think he's very comfortable at all it's horrible to watch him he has been 1 of my favourites :sad:

What would you do ????

Need help deciding this one
What size tank and what other fish have you got?

If it is only Guppies, your ratio needs adjusting.

You need a minimum of 6 females for two males to prevent competition between the boys.
Right i have

5 female guppies as 1 died yesterday

2 male guppies

4 platys

1 sucker

1 clown

Tank is roma 200 litre
here's a picture of him its not very good but you can see how much of his tail is gone....


if i get more girls will he be Ok ????
Ok all is not good he's kinda being thrown about in the water now

I dont think he's gonna last much longer :-(
Thank you paw-paw but at least he aint suffering :sad:
i have had the same problem, a couple of my newer males bullied one of my red tux male guppy that i had since i first started keeping tropical fish they took away half of his fin, it started to grow back after plenty of water changes but they still bullied and killed the poor thing


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