What Would You Do?


New Member
Sep 24, 2005
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I mentioned in my hello post that I have 5 of synirrs bettas from her "mini" adoption. I put the one male by his self, and the other four (which we thought were all females) in a 10 gallon sorority tank. Well it turns out it is 3 females and one male. They have been together peacefully since Oct. 05. I have bought another female would you just keep her seperate or go ahead and take the male out and add a couple more females. I would hate to cause trouble.
I mentioned in my hello post that I have 5 of synirrs bettas from her "mini" adoption. I put the one male by his self, and the other four (which we thought were all females) in a 10 gallon sorority tank. Well it turns out it is 3 females and one male. They have been together peacefully since Oct. 05. I have bought another female would you just keep her seperate or go ahead and take the male out and add a couple more females. I would hate to cause trouble.

I wouldn't temp fate. I would remove the male and let him live by himself. Then, I would add some more females to the sorority. Just be wary, some females can be aggressive and dominating like males; those need to live by themselves also.

ps- what tipped you off about that one being male? If he wasn't aggressive, what made you suspect? Was be bubblenesting because sometimes after I clean the tank, on of my sorority girls bubbles. :huh:
When I first got the fish I put them in a big rubbermaid container, And I really could not see them to well. But did notice them sorting out the pecking order. The only time he had a bubblenest was in that container about the size of a fifty cent piece, he has never built one in the 10 gallon aquaruim. Once they were in there and had matured I new he was a male much longer fins and ventrals and no white dot. He goes around dancing and flaring for the girls all the time, they just ignore him pretty much.

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