What would you do with this tank?


Jan 31, 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone,
So I’m wondering what you would do in my position here as I have a few options. I wanna keep my firemouths who are growing lots but they are also the most aggressive fish in the tank and I want to move them into they’re own tank but what would you guys do with an aggressive firemouth tank? species only? larger tank? stocking?


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Hello :)
Tank measurements ?
How many fishes ?
Hiya! I'm so sorry if I wasnt clear.. I meant what would you do with the firemouths as they are quite tough and aggressive towards my other cichlids and catfish? Say if you wanted to keep them which is what I wanna do then would you put them in a large tank with other tougher cichlids? Or species only :)
I've understood ;)
But to give you my best :lol: I need to know what I asked you.
Some cichlids can live together IF tank is enough large IF they don't live at the same level.
What are your catfishes and "other" cichlids ?
I've understood ;)
But to give you my best :lol: I need to know what I asked you.
Some cichlids can live together IF tank is enough large IF they don't live at the same level.
What are your catfishes and "other" cichlids ?
I'm sorry my brains not working very well today ?
So my tank is 80gallons and houses 2 gold severums, 2 threadfin acaras, 2 bolivian rams, the two firemouths, a large synodontis (unidentified species unfortunately) and 6 rosy tetras :)
The rams are at the bottom with the syno most of the time and the same goes for the firemouths.. The severums, acaras and tetras are everywhere lol!
So 300 liters. Length ? Parameters ?
Severum = very soft acidic water, lives middle/bottom.
Same for Acaras.
More or less the same for Firemouths and rams and Tetras that are too small to live safely in this tank.
Synodontis is gregarious needs to be at least 6.

Ah cichlids live at the same levels it increases+++ their territoriality. So to me, a LARGER++/LONGER++ tank for cichlids, densely planted, many hidden-places.
Another tank for Tetras.

Could you send pictures ?

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