What would you do with this empty tank?


Tank of the Month 🏆
Aug 6, 2023
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I've now moved all the fish into my 280L (pictures yet to be taken) I have a 29 gallon tank that is freed up. 75x35x40cm and my water has a pH is 7.6 and 9 dH. I could raise the pH using certain rocks for the hardscape. Don't think that I can make the water softer.
I could do a small community tank, a breeding project or a single species tank.

I have no ideas, what would you do with the tank?
I've now moved all the fish into my 280L (pictures yet to be taken) I have a 29 gallon tank that is freed up. 75x35x40cm and my water has a pH is 7.6 and 9 dH. I could raise the pH using certain rocks for the hardscape. Don't think that I can make the water softer.
I could do a small community tank, a breeding project or a single species tank.

I have no ideas, what would you do with the tank?
Build a single-species biotope aquarium, that might work. You could try a Songgaria River (Myanmar/Thailand) biotope with Microdevario kubotai. However, they are soft-water fish, which may be difficult to replicate the riverbed accurately.
I've now moved all the fish into my 280L (pictures yet to be taken) I have a 29 gallon tank that is freed up. 75x35x40cm and my water has a pH is 7.6 and 9 dH. I could raise the pH using certain rocks for the hardscape. Don't think that I can make the water softer.
I could do a small community tank, a breeding project or a single species tank.

I have no ideas, what would you do with the tank?
Well, there are supplements available to soften the water. But I don't know your stocking to state how much lower the pH should be.
With your water you could do a tank of Congo tetras and pristella tetras, or maybe some dwarf rainbow fishes and golden wonder killifish. Platys and guppies would like your hard water too. Gouramis (i like the pearl gourami) and dwarf cichlids. You have a lot of choices. Oh how I would love another tank to set up. Have fun with it and let us know what you choose.

But to answer your question, what would I do….I would set up a tank to just house a few little fish while it would be used mainly to keep hard scape that I have attached plants to, and to give those plants a tank to just grow and do their thing while I wait to find buyers to support my aquatic habit. <grin>. In fact, that is what I mentioned to my spouse last night, the fact that I’d love another tank just to grow out plants. I did not get a response. LOL
Sawbwa resplendens from Lake Inle prefer hard water. They are a great little fish and you could get a decent-sized group in that size tank. Could even breed them since they are considered an endangered species, which is what I'm doing at the moment. The only problem is finding a place that sells them. Females are much harder to find usually.
For me breeding projects are tricky, because it isnt only about getting the fish to spawn and raise healthy babies, but do you have an outlet for these babies? Will someone buy them, if not, do you have a tank to keep them in? I have my bolivian rams and while they spawn and I could raise the fish, they wouldnt sell and I cant keep them.
You can breed fish you could add to your larger tank to increase shoals of fish you have, but I am guessing you have softwater fish.
You can have fish that pairs up, breeds but ends up killing its offspring, which could work but it is a bit devastating and cruel.
You can have a sulawesi tank, tylomelania snails, shrimp..
You can keep any of the pseudomugil, see their interaction, they even breed for me on their own and I didnt have to do much to have some fry survive at some point. And they are very lovely fish.
You can aim at breeding and returning some special rare wild livebearers, depends on where you are from and if you have any clubs nearby, here people keep Xiphophorus xiphidium and ticos and others for example. They also present nice challenges

You could do a nano fish tank, or smaller calm fish that wouldnt do well in a community, and with your harder water and larger ph they wont breed. Or turn it into a brakish tank and play around with some gobies. So many choices :)

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