What Would You Do With A 1,000 Gallon Tank


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
Topic is self explanitory. Just curious. Might be an investment of mine in the future.
rescue all large fish that owners cant keep any more coz they are too big
Seriously guys.... I don't think Soaup is going to invest into this acquisition at the trend we're responding.....

Soaup.... There are so many options.....Personal Preferences will ultimately dictate.... You can have a single small fish aquarium..... I've seen a really big tank with only (thousands) male Guppies in it.... This was beautiful....

Another single specie medium tank that I've seen was with hundreds of longfin veil tailed orando goldfish.... also a very nice display

Then the small fish variety tank with schools of Harlequin; Cardinal; Lemon tets; Rasboras; Glowlights; Penguins; Head & Tail Lights; Zebra Danios; White clouds..... Really, the sky's the limit.

Variety Medium fish....... Orange Chromides.... Various Gouramis; Kribensis; Ramirezis; Keyholes; Angels; etc. etc. etc.

And finally, You could decide on a large fish aquarium; Oscars; Severum; Giant Gourami; Parrots; Discus......

So there, you see.... It is a very diffiicult decision and will be a personal choice thing at the end of the day.....
Seriously guys.... I don't think Soaup is going to invest into this acquisition at the trend we're responding.....

Soaup.... There are so many options.....Personal Preferences will ultimately dictate.... You can have a single small fish aquarium..... I've seen a really big tank with only (thousands) male Guppies in it.... This was beautiful....

Another single specie medium tank that I've seen was with hundreds of longfin veil tailed orando goldfish.... also a very nice display

Then the small fish variety tank with schools of Harlequin; Cardinal; Lemon tets; Rasboras; Glowlights; Penguins; Head & Tail Lights; Zebra Danios; White clouds..... Really, the sky's the limit.

Variety Medium fish....... Orange Chromides.... Various Gouramis; Kribensis; Ramirezis; Keyholes; Angels; etc. etc. etc.

And finally, You could decide on a large fish aquarium; Oscars; Severum; Giant Gourami; Parrots; Discus......

So there, you see.... It is a very diffiicult decision and will be a personal choice thing at the end of the day.....

Sounds good, I found this company out in California that makes custom tanks. The pricing on a 1.000 gallon tank wasnt terrible. They make acrylic 1,000 gallon tanks for about 5,000 USD. I would ultimately love to either have a monster cat possibly a albino channel or redtail but i fear that is still too small for these fish. A group of oscars would be nice too. Then comes the malawi set up, Several thousands later could be an amazing tank. Just looking for ideas, Seeing what you all would do with it given you had the tank. I highly doubt you all would just fill it with water too. Just water?!

P.S. Where did you see these tanks? Curiousity got the best of me.
I'm an african cichlid enthusiast, so I'd either go with a large hap tank, or several species of mbuna in large groups. It would be stunning to see the group interaction of 4-5 species in huge numbers. :drool:

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