What Would You Add?


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2008
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i'm redoing my 60 u.s. gal and i would like some ideas for some new fish.current stocking is 5 angels,2 female kribs,2 clown loaches and a bristle nose plec.
What colour are the angels? That makes a difference to my ideas haha
I wouldn't add anything...you've got a full stocking as it is. :nod:
I wouldn't add anything...you've got a full stocking as it is. :nod:

60 US gallon is pretty big, you have more fish than him in your 55g

How big are your angels and clown loaches?
I wouldn't add anything...you've got a full stocking as it is. :nod:

60 US gallon is pretty big, you have more fish than him in your 55g

How big are your angels and clown loaches?

The OP has FIVE Angels(requiring 10gal each) and TWO Clown Loaches. It's wise to look at the type and potential growth of fish, rather than the number...
I wouldn't add anything...you've got a full stocking as it is. :nod:

60 US gallon is pretty big, you have more fish than him in your 55g

How big are your angels and clown loaches?

The OP has FIVE Angels(requiring 10gal each) and TWO Clown Loaches. It's wise to look at the type and potential growth of fish, rather than the number...

But we do not yet know the size, which is why I asked... primarily my next move was to suggest removing the clown loaches.
It doesn't matter what the size...the fish will grow...
I'm not starting an argument as I'm not in the mood. You take it from here....
Yeah I'm going to have to agree with the idea of moving the clown loaches. Even if they are small enough to keep in the tank now...at some point they will grow larger, in which case it will be even harder to part with them. As far as adding fish, I would suggest a schoaling fish as well. I don't know what price range you are looking at but I think that Pearl Danios look amazing (but they are awfully pricey).
Personally I don't stock according to what size a fish might get to in 2, 3, 4 years time, the number of times I've swapped, moved and sold fish to suit the size of my tank, or they have died before reaching their full size. Unless the angels are fully grown they could have more fish in there. In my opinion. If you saw my opinion as an argument then you read me wrong.
okay,i'll start with the clown loaches.i've had them for about a year and 1 is 3 inches and the other 4 inches.re-homing them in the future will not be a problem.the angels are fully grown and i'm going to be re-homing one because 2 sets have paired off so i have an odd one out.unfortunately, it's probably the prettiest one.

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