What Would You Add To My Tank!?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2011
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so i have a 75 gallon and want to add some mroe fish to it!

the current stocking is..
1 male dwarf gourami
5 praecox rainbowfish
5 glolite tetras
3 guppies
6 platties
14 cories
4 albino cherry barbs
and 2 albino bristlenose plecos( male and female)

so i really want to hear what you would add but i also have a few ideas and tell me what you think of these to!

my ideas:
1 or 2 pearl goruamis
1 female bolivain ram
khuli loaches.

and i could add 1 more glolite but i cant add any more albino cherry barbs becasue the 4 stores that i no of does not sell them!

and dont say "add more or the fish you have" cuz id like to try some new fiswh because i always seem to get the same fish!:)
I'd do your stock +
1 glowlight (the fish you have)
1 more rainbow
A pair of bolivians
8 khuli loach.
Than you or as crossfire may have/will say get rid of your current fish and get 200+ khuli loach lol jk
That sounds great! I will deffanitly add what man of fish said. Is there another interesting fish I could add!?
Just to warn you, my male dwarf gourami did NOT tolerate my Bolivian rams and they didn't really like him either. I had to split them up. I tried rearranging the tank and reintroducing the gourami, even after a few weeks, but still weren't compatible, so I had to house him in another tank. Not saying this will definitely happen but something to be prepared for.
I would add 6 more glowlights as they will be so much happier and you have plenty of space.

I would also add another 6 normal cherry barbs as they will shoal with the bins and look cool!

It might be nice to add a few more different coloured guppies?

A pair of bolivians would be nice but no guarantee with your guppies tails...

How about a few larger rainbows like the reds or blues? 3-5 of them...

Or a few big swordtails? 2 male 4-6 female, they get huge and you can get some funky colours!
id second the normal cherrys i have some ive had a year now and they arestunning

also shoals look cool add more glowlights

how about a pair of keyhole cichlids? beautiful in an understated way ive had no issue with them eating fish in past
I will add more glolights, and more rainbows, and I'll try the ram, seeing if the gourami and her get along! I actualy just sold my school of cherry barbs, I like the albinos better, and they did t school together, my albino.s don't except the 2 females somtimes! Thanks

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