so i have a 75 gallon and want to add some mroe fish to it!
the current stocking is..
1 male dwarf gourami
5 praecox rainbowfish
5 glolite tetras
3 guppies
6 platties
14 cories
4 albino cherry barbs
and 2 albino bristlenose plecos( male and female)
so i really want to hear what you would add but i also have a few ideas and tell me what you think of these to!
my ideas:
1 or 2 pearl goruamis
1 female bolivain ram
khuli loaches.
and i could add 1 more glolite but i cant add any more albino cherry barbs becasue the 4 stores that i no of does not sell them!
and dont say "add more or the fish you have" cuz id like to try some new fiswh because i always seem to get the same fish!
the current stocking is..
1 male dwarf gourami
5 praecox rainbowfish
5 glolite tetras
3 guppies
6 platties
14 cories
4 albino cherry barbs
and 2 albino bristlenose plecos( male and female)
so i really want to hear what you would add but i also have a few ideas and tell me what you think of these to!
my ideas:
1 or 2 pearl goruamis
1 female bolivain ram
khuli loaches.
and i could add 1 more glolite but i cant add any more albino cherry barbs becasue the 4 stores that i no of does not sell them!
and dont say "add more or the fish you have" cuz id like to try some new fiswh because i always seem to get the same fish!