What Would U Put In A 90 Gallon?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 26, 2009
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ballynahinch ni
Hi all, its been a while.
i had a 4ft tropical the last time we spoke and have since also had a 20 gallon tropical which i have since swopped for a 5 by 18 by 18, 90 gallon beast.
Just wondering what you all would put in this tank, ive been that used to limiting my choices because the tank was never big enough i dont really know what to do with it?
Cheers Paul :hyper:
lots of african clawed frogs!

I am probably in the minority on this one
An assortment of CA Cichlids and a school of Buenos Aires Tetras.
Or a colony of Neolamprologus brichardi.
2 black angelfish
1 german blue ram
1 apistogramma cacatuoide
2 male dwarf gouramis (1 wild, 1 blue)
3 clown loaches
20 cardinal tetras

densely planted, black gravel, black background.

most people like giant aggressive fish in big tanks, but i think the setup above would be amazing. lol i know i threw in a lot of personal preferences, but i wanted to give some details on what i would do. very colorful, lots of personality. ahh, i would love it.
2 chocolate chiclids
school of discus=6
sterbai corys,10
stripped rafael cat
Severum and some friends.

Yes, yes !! As the friends maybe a bristlenose, 5 x Brochis splendens and a shoal of appropriately sized (ie. big enough not to get eaten by the sev) tetras. All on a sand (or very fine gravel, ie. about 1-2mm grains) bottom of course. With a couple of nice bogwood pieces. Maybe a couple of nice plastic plants at the back to give a little greenery.

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