what would it cost

About two and a half times more than what it would cost you to buy one.

If your lucky enough to find the appropriate size glass being discarded, then by all means try it, but it is not cost effective to make a large tank yourself.
You also have no guarentee of the tank if it bursts and soaks your floor which I would imagine for such a large tank could do a lot of damage.
I bought my fiance his 20 gallon tank set complete with stand at Petsmart for $160.00. That included a black wood stand and gravel and such. A fifty gallon tank might be $150.00 more give or take.
agree with cm that is less expensive to buy than build a tank. unless you know what it is that you are doing to be exact.

had an 80 and a 40 side by side. 80 had my red devil init and the 40 had a small dovii. these two used to go at the glass at each other all the time. also have an old house and kept them on the main floor. their tanks became unlevel and the 40 broke one night. soaked the floor. guess it was just enough to cause the 80 to break also. ended up with two fish in the bathtub, two broke tanks and 120 gallons of water pouring through the ceiling into the basement at 12:00 at night. tanks are never allowedd to break at a time convenient to the fishkeeper.

also tried to repair the tanks myself. would of been cheaper and faster dumping the tanks in the garbage and getting new ones. so needless to say it was about 7500 to replace the hardwood floors which had just been redone, drywall the ceiling in the basement, clean the carpeting and replace the paneling!

also lost the dovii. had to run him over to my inlaws. my father in law loves to watch him go nuts when my mother in law walks into the room. now he won't give him back!

i would prefer to buy a tank than to make one, around here tanks are cheap to buy, its every thing else you need to go with them , thats what racks up the cost, don't think i'd trust a home made tank, ;)

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