What Would Cause......


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
Doncaster UK
Calling all experiances breeders.

I have a question about fry.

Of the many deformities a fry can have, what causes them to swim tail down and spend most of their time on the bottom of the tank.....

Is it swimbladder problems? Can they recover? is there anything you can do to prevent this?

TIA guys! :*
Not exactly an experienced breeder as only had 3 succesful spawns with live fry so far but have recently found a kind of solution for this. I have had fry like this from all 3 of my spawns and the CT grew with very messy finnage because of spending so much time on the bottom :/ I have no idea what causes it but I can say for certain that I don't blame BBS as mine showed the tendancies from birth!

Now, with my latest spawn of 89 I split them into 2 grow-out tanks as they started getting bigger they went into the indoor tank which has a very powerful fluval 3 filter in it, where as the tank in the garage only has a box filter in which isn't too powerful. Something amazing has happened to the ones I put into the indoor tank. All the ones there were "tippy" as I call it have now straightened out and swim correctly! So I'm wondering if its just poor muscle tone :dunno:

Would like to hear other breeders experiences :)
I had thought that's what it may be so I have put them in the tank with the internal filter.

But I'm allways feeling sorry for the little buggers cause they are always getting blown around and trying desperatly to wedge themselves down! Lazy so and sos!
It could be one or a combination of several things. Firstly, in my first couple/few spawns I had quite a few turn out with messed up bladders, I, eventually, considered the idea that this is from being inbred, as I've never experienced it with my "own" spawns, only sibling spawns from a purchased pair. It could also happen with undecapsulated brine eggs. The hard shell severely damages the insides and they may never recover. It just takes one to mess them up for life.
Orrrr it could be from water changes, perhaps these are the fry who get in the way of rushing water and it might cause them damage. I'm not sure on the last one BUT I do believe the "rushing water" theory of mine is why you sometimes get a fry with a flappy gill plate,maybe it effects the swim bladder as well.
Cheers wuv!

Interesting theories there. I'm interested in the inbreeding idea, we'll have to see what my current spawn turns out like.

I've had the filter running in the little defective fry tank and they are already swimming a little more upright. That is all of them except those that have realised that if the sit on top of the filter they don't have to swim.... :grr:
My guess would be either swimbladder or poor muscle tone, though I don't have any personal experience with this problem.
I don't think rushing water causes it, because after Wuv suggested it I am convinced that's what caused the gill plate deformities in several of my fry (I was less than extremely careful sometimes when it came to water changes), and if it also caused this problem I would certainly expect to have seen it in some of mine.

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