What Would Be Your Perfect Oddball Tank


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Hi, im asking some of the tropical fish forums what would be their perfect/ideal tank?

What fish would you have, what substrate, would you have bogwood or rocks, would you have aquatic amphibians, what size? etc.

Thanks for your replies, Mikey
I would have an 800 UK gal tank.

I would have 1 asian red aro and 2 female 1 male motoro ray. (if not rays I would have an FRT)

As well as some other nice oddballs.
Tank setup:
Bogwood covered with java fern scattered over beige riversand with large clumps of vallisneria inbetween.
My favourite of coarse; Senegal bichirs.

I'd have sand and planted bogwood with lots of beautiful plants too. Oh and a slate cave with some rocks
Then I have a couple of rays and an eel with some shrimp and albino aquatic frogs!
Several species of the smaller bichir species
basic decor would be an underwater ledge with a cpl larger rocks off the point and dritwood arranged verticly
to resemble flooded tree growth
plants mostly anubias species and possibly some floating surfce cover
Cool ideas people!!
keep em comeing, im sure some of you have some mad ideas.. :p
im likeing your idea ringham :hyper: , sounds madly huge!!!
About a 1000G , Plants around the sides Rock in the middle,Sand

My current lungfish (West African)
South American Lungfish
Ornate Bichir
Fly River Turtle
Freshwater Tarpon
Acclimated Remora
Bumblebee Grouper

^ Fatty Attack!
Hmmm, being practical, a 4x2x2 with either an e cat or a parachanna obscura, or maybe a 10g full of dwarf pygmy gobies.
For the record I see alot of people here mentioning FRT's(fly river turtle).Just so you know the do at a minimum nip and at the most they do eat fish.I know several people that have tried this combo only to have
fins ripped and fish come up missing so you have been warned-Anne
For the record I see alot of people here mentioning FRT's(fly river turtle).Just so you know the do at a minimum nip and at the most they do eat fish.I know several people that have tried this combo only to have
fins ripped and fish come up missing so you have been warned-Anne
I know that. I believe it but since its a dream to have a nice turtle. But wait At turtle would be too cute to mix with them. A Surinam Toad!!!!!
12' x 3' x 2' tank, no plants loads of large pieces of bogwood for the rays to explore and play with, huge sump filtration with UV system

Inhabitants are what I have now, Asian RTG arowana, Leopoldi, Yepezi and Hystrix rays, siamese tiger fish, fire eel and tire track eel, jaguar catfish that hide in the bogwood.

Would like a Tigrinus or a Juruense catfish to finish the collection off.

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