Neons are shoaling fish, IME the bigger the shoal the better, boost that up to about 6-8, for the platies and guppies make sure if you're getting 3 of each to get all of the same species (ie only males or only females) unless you plan to get 4 of each because the general rule of thumb for livebearers is 3 females for every 1 male. Plecos grow huge depending on the species, if you get a Bushy nosed pleco you'd be okay as they grow to 5" maximum, barbs enjoy shoaling unless cherry barbs, so that number should be boosted, however I wouldn't recommend the barbs with neons as the barbs may kill them. A flownder I'm not sure how large they get, however I'd assume that the more area on the bottom of the tank, the better.
I'd recommend a 40gallon breeder tank, that way you have some options when it comes to stocking.