What Would Be The Best Scape?


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2010
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After a full breakdown of my tank i now have gravel and a piece of bog wood in my 10G tank.

So i'm asking what type of scape do tetras prefer?
+1 heavily planted

+1 black water (lots of tannins)

(+1 in decent sized schools)
Ive got a school of 8 with a 10G tank (510 x 250 x 300mm)

I just (about 1hour ago) put black vinyl on back and sides.

The gravel is about 2" deep.

The bog wood i have is A4 size and covered in some moss.

What plants can you reccomend (with links please) my LFS doesnt tend to stock alot of plants
amazon swords, the big plants in my tank in my sig. no extra care or effort needed, just trim off dead leaves, and let it do its thing. very common plant, should be easy to get hold of
amazon swords, the big plants in my tank in my sig. no extra care or effort needed, just trim off dead leaves, and let it do its thing. very common plant, should be easy to get hold of

Think ive seen them if i am able to finish dissertation tomorrow i'll go get some thanks

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