What Would Be My Fish Options With A Green Spotted Puffer?


Feb 28, 2006
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Amarillo, Tx
Was wondering once my puffer gets salt water acclimated(has a long time to go so nothing in next few months at least), what are good marine fish to put with him? I love color and variety, but dont want any tank wars with the price of the marine fish :no: Also i have a feeling shirmp will be hard to keep, specially if the shrimp is under or close to his size (adult around 6") eats ghost shrimp bigger than him now and just leaves the heads on ground. So what would some of my options be so i can begin to research some of my options. Thanks for any help or info you might have.
Your options are pretty much limited to anything that you don't mind the GSP eating... Inverts are going to last about 5 minutes and any larger fish are going to be expensive and it's a big risk to take.
i dont know much about GSPs but based on my knowledege of puffers i would suggest a species only tank with out inverts.

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