What Would Be Best

Betta splendens

New Member
Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Kaiserslautern, Germany
I have a 5 Gal tank, the water's clean and well oxygenated but it has no filtration system, except for maybe the rock substrate. In it I have my male betta. I want to put some bottom feeder in the tank, not that it's not clean, I just think it would look nice.

I want to put 2 khuli loaches in there, will they be all right? Like with no filter and witht the betta?

But figuring they won't be all right, or figuring I can't find them at any of my lfs's, what else can I use?

Can I use corys? If so, how many should I get?
Can I use loaches? If so, how many should i get?

I want an active fish that will be alright in a 5 Gal tank with a betta and no filtration.


Acually will any passing mod please move this to Tropical Chit-Chat
I believe it belongs there better
I really don't think that would work. To maintain any fish in a small tank without filtration you need to make frequent large water changes, which would stress most other fish out; bettas are just about the only fish that can cope with this.
You could easily add a small filter and a small heater. Then there would be room for a small group of pygmy corys, or habrosus. Don't go for the peppereds or bronzes, as they do grow quite big.
You shouldnt even be keeping a Betta without filtration imo, and certainly nothing else on top of that!

Betta are Tropical fish just like Gourami, Cory etc, they require heated and filtered water for the best results and the healthyest fish.

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