What types of brackish water puffers?


Cheer up, the worst is yet to come. ~ P. Johnson
Jul 31, 2004
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The Netherlands/UK
Went to the pet shop a couple of days ago to see if they had dwarf puffers in, which they didnt but I'm getting them this weekend

However, he had a brackish water puffer which he says only gets a lil bit bigger than the dwarf puffer. Does anyone have a clue which one this might have been, seeing as I'm thinking about turning one of my other aquariums into a brackish water tank, but it can only take a small sized puffer
Colour? pattern?

There are many many species of freshwater and brackish puffers, although only a few are commonly seen in the hobby.

The most common small-ish brackish puffers are the green spot and the figure-eight puffers.
I think it must have been a figure eight then. My boyfriend seemed to be certain it was a topaz, but that gets waaay bigger than a dwarf, seeing as the figure eight is said to look much like it, I'm guessing that would be it. Thanks to both of you =)

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