What Type


i lurvs the feesh 3
Oct 26, 2007
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i am getting a 54L tank tommorrow after its cycled etc.... im hopiing to get a couple of corys(arent they the cutest thing!)
but need to know alot more about them...
so first off what type would be ideal fr the tank....
second how many?
also what type of fish can go with them im thinking dwarf gouramis and some harlequin rasboras possibly rams instea of gourami but set in stone on the corys!
so help guys suggestions are helpful
Hi nakomis90 :)

A 54L tank is about 14 US gallons, which would be a good home for a small school of corys, and either a pair of dwarf gouramis, or a small school of Harlequin Rasboras. I wouldn't recommend keeping cichlids with corys.

Corys do best in a larger school, but four of them would be OK if they were kept with only peaceful tankmates.

With either dwarf gouramis or harlequin rasboras, the temperature should be in the mid 70s range. There are many corys that could fit that requirement. I especially like to suggest C. aeneus to beginning cory keepers. They are very easy to find and tend to be active and sociable. Since the same species comes in both bronze and albino, a school can be made up of both colors which appears to make a tank have more variety.

I'm sure you'll be delighted with whichever species of corys you decide on. Please let us know what you get. :)
Hi nakomis90 :)

A 54L tank is about 14 US gallons, which would be a good home for a small school of corys, and either a pair of dwarf gouramis, or a small school of Harlequin Rasboras. I wouldn't recommend keeping cichlids with corys.

Corys do best in a larger school, but four of them would be OK if they were kept with only peaceful tankmates.

With either dwarf gouramis or harlequin rasboras, the temperature should be in the mid 70s range. There are many corys that could fit that requirement. I especially like to suggest C. aeneus to beginning cory keepers. They are very easy to find and tend to be active and sociable. Since the same species comes in both bronze and albino, a school can be made up of both colors which appears to make a tank have more variety.

I'm sure you'll be delighted with whichever species of corys you decide on. Please let us know what you get. :)

done plenty of reasearch ill start a journal for my new tank when and if i get one today.....
will have to cycle etc first but want a rough plan shouldnt corys be ok with
Microgeophagus Ramirezi?
i know theyre generally peacefull too?

Hi nakomis90 :)

Stocking your tank is your decision to make. You asked and I told you I would not recommend keeping corys with fish that could become aggressive. The rest is up to you.

Rams are particularly known to become territorial when they are breeding, and corys don't understand this at all.

I have 3 blue rams in my tank. and the corys are just fine. Everyone is happy, but i do have like 14 corydoras, so this may be why they are ok.

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