What Type Of Shrimp Do I Have?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
I bought 4 the other day. Bit of an impullse buy I'm afraid

They are transparentish with red dots all down the sides

They look pretty cool but I hope I haven't set them up to fail

They are in a 25g community tank and have been fine so far feeding on brine shrimp that I have stuck in
If they look like these then you most likely have cardina multidenta (amano shrimp). However my macros have spots down their sides as well, but look very different to amano shrimp so are easy to tell apart.

How much did they cost you? Cause Ghost shrimp are sold as feeders so they are really cheap. 10-20 cents a piece usually.
How much did they cost you? Cause Ghost shrimp are sold as feeders so they are really cheap. 10-20 cents a piece usually.

arnt feeder shrimp illegal in the uk?

Nope, apparently quite a few shops sell them, but none near me that I've seen (think I was told they cost about 12 to the £1 by someone but could be wrong). The 'feeder' law is to vertibrates, and so exclude shrimp.
Nope, apparently quite a few shops sell them, but none near me that I've seen (think I was told they cost about 12 to the £1 by someone but could be wrong). The 'feeder' law is to vertibrates, and so exclude shrimp.

ah well, i've never seen them :lol:

it's not illegal to live-feed vertebrates, either :p
cheers Wolfenrock

thats the one and I think they were sold as Japonica now I have seen an alternative name#

They were £2 eacg or something like that

there still there. look pretty cool although I have lost one

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