Yep, sure looks like a bristlenose plec! How big is it? Maybe we can tell you if it is a female or a male. Mine is definately a female, only little amount of brisltes around her lip. The more brisltes means it is a male>
I have sen many variations ......some females get no bristles, some little ones , some unusually long ones but always around the lip..... Males on the other hand grow bristes between the eyes
i took forever to get a good shot of him/ her... the brisles don't look that big in the second pic so it could possibly be a female...i think its about an inch and a half long, not that big yet, though i've had it for at least a year and a half now... thnx for all the info
by the way nice female pic, i know how hard it is to get a decent pic of a fish in a tank... at least it was for me