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What Type Of Livebearers Do You Keep,

half black blue guppy's. pet shop stock, it's not often they sale matching pairs below a pic of female with her first brood of 67
A few days ago she give birth to another 60, I never use fish tank heaters for guppy's I have a well insulated fish house tank temperature throughout the summer months is 24 c I prefer to keep them around about 20 c a fluctuation of a few degrees is also good for them.to keep them in their best conditions some live food should be added to their diet

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well thay started off half black blue and turn out like this
went to guppy fish show /auction at weekend got a pair of unusual Guppies
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flagtail guppy
I keep koi swordtails, regular old lfs mutt swordtails and n-class black bar endlers.
Both are very nice looking fish my koi swordtail throws out a variety of colours.
I keep mainly wild-type livebearers I have recently got some good quality show guppy's
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A really nice looking fish the round tail guppy female only had about 15 fry
may be a larger brood next time
which do you have heterandria formosa or gambusia I like both species I keep a few types of fancy Guppies
but prefer the wild-type livebearers.
I breed and sell many wild-type livebearers some CARES listed
Ameca Spendens
Zoogoneticus Tequila
Ilyodon Furcidens
Ilyodon Whitei
Skiffia Multipuntata
True N-Class Blackbar Endlers
P-Class Bluestar Endlers
Chapalichthys Paradalis
Ataeniobius Toweri
Montezuma Swords
Mayan Sword
Also breed a few others .
PM me if any of you are interested. I ship Cont. USA
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B. rhabdophora nice fish very good at eating there own young as soon as you see fry you will need to remove them
Platy and balloon molly, I had a molly who was awesome as she swam all over the tank, and when she died of old age I got a balloon molly. We have baby balloon Molly’s now (I didn’t know she was pregnant-just thought that was her balloon tummy!) and they are very friendly and full of personality! As soon as they see you they come right up to the glass (probably waiting for more food!)
It can be very difficult to know whether balloon molly is pregnant or not.
it's a great feeling to see little babies swimming about they're definitely coming to the front of the aquarium for more food :)
It was a bit of a shock, out of the 22 babies I counted I saved 12 (my catfish thought they where super yummy!) they are all healthy and happy babies (nearly 2 months old now)
you done well to save half of the babies it's good that your catfish has kept the numbers down mollies can produce fry every 5 to 8 weeks depending on temperature

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