what type of killie is it?


Fish Herder
Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
western ny, USA
bought it from a store i've never been to before and the scientific name they gave me didn't bring up any info... just wondering exactly what kind he is ...if it helps at all his tail which you cant really see is blue on the top half and a bright orange/yellow on the bottom half

he's a cute one ;) ... the female is a light black coloring

My guess is the Blue Lyre-tail.........Aphyosemion Calabaricus...???

Does the fish actually have a 'lyre-tail'? It isn't obvious in the pic!
Aphyosemions are notoriously difficult. So many look alike, and there are some many "varieties" of each species. The shape of tha tail, which we can't see is very important.

The "lyretail" that is mentioned is the top and bottom few rays are extended beyond the rest of the fin, and often curve a little up at the top, down at the bottom. Other species have rounded tails, others squarish tails. I don't know of any that have the traditional forked tail.
yes, the tail shape is defintly lyretail...i know there are a TON of variations, I just found it impossible to find any photos for the diff. variations of killies...should there be any special care i should take for them?
Can you show me a picture of the tail, just to confirm. Going by the body markings alone, it's almost definitely a juvenile male of Aphyosemion Sjoestedti (Blue Gularis). Although I really need a picture of the tail to confirm this. These killifish get quite large 5 to 6 inches in the aquarium, so don't keep them with anything small.
If you need anymore info on keeping and breeding this species let me know.
See link below for pic.
Hope this is of some help.
By the way, What scientific name did the shop give you?
the tail looks almost identical to the image you posted - i am sure you are correct....the name they had on the receipt (which i should've posted originally, duh) was Blue Guarius - obviously just a misspelling...

thanks everyone, they will be the new showcase fish in my 46 gallon (i will be trading in my school of tiger barbs and scissortails for a school of rainbows most likely) so that there will hopefully be no nipping incidences! thanks again!
When I first heard the "blue above yellow below" I thought of A. sjoestedti, but that has a central extension in the caudal, which was not shown or described. I think the correct name is now Fundulopanchax sjoestedti, if you are searching, may be worth looking for that as well.

It does sound that it is what you have though. As BC said, it is a big one, and has something of a reputation for bullying and ambushing small fish which it will swallow in it's very large mouth.
now that i am home i can see the slight extension in the middle of the caudal fin - not as obvious as the one in the image posted - but it is still a juvie....don't have to worry about anything fitting in their mouth - the smallest fish in the tank are the full-grown tiger barbs (and after i take them back the next smallest are the full-grown blue rams which they better not dare touch :rolleyes: )

thanks again everyone for your help...and now i just realized after all that searching that this species happens to be the logo for the AKA (see top left of their homepage)! :lol:
That is true Fp Sjoestedti is indeed the emblem of the American Killifish Association.

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