I use a mixture of practically everything in the poll to make sure my fish get the most balanced diet i can possibly give them.
Weekly i feed 150 live feeder shrimp, 14 packs of live foods (daphnia, glassworm and brine shrimp), 1 box of live crickets and 1 head of lettuce
Monthly i go through, 1 bulk bag (500 grams) of mussel, 1/2 a bulk bag of cockle, 1 bulk bag of white bait and 1 bulk pack of bloodworm (all frozen).
Every 3 or 4 months i use a 200 gram tub of JMC catfish pellets, 20 grams of flake, 57 grams each of carnivor pellets and floating sticks and a small bag of algea wafers.
On top of this i also have to use fry feed like liquifry and fresh hatched brine shrimp depending on if i have fry in and what size they are.