What Type Of Fish Ate These? Ive Asked Everywhere.


Mostly New Member
Jul 15, 2014
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So we got these fish at petsmart a while back and now we dont know what kind they are and they dont have ttem at petsmart anymore. We want to know cause they just bred together and we didnt know it so it would help us if we knew what they were. We were thinking a species of gourmie but wanted more opinions.
A photo would help ;)
Here are some common species sold at chain fish stores:
Dwarf Gourami

Opaline Gourami

Gold Gourami
Sorry the pics didn't post before. here is one and sorry it kinda blury had to shrink it down to fit.
I'm not heavily into these guys, but I think that's a Texas Cichlid. Definitely not a Gourami.
Yeah its a Texas Cichlid :) Quite a large growing cichlid and can be quite aggressive certainly very different from a Gourami - what are you keeping them with? And what size tank are they in?
Wills said:
Yeah its a Texas Cichlid
Yay, 10 points to me!.
Seriously, though, Wills asks some very pertinent questions. If they have bred, they will be being VERY aggressive towards other tank inhabitants.
wow. I was thinking it was a cichlid. they are housed with our 3 angle fish, 2 bala sharks, 14" pleco, 3 Chinese algea eaters, 4 gourmis, 2 upside down catfish and 1 albino catfish type thing. They have not been aggressive at all towards all the other fish. They actually get along very well. The only time that they terrorized the other fish is when we found out that they had babies. But they are back to normal now. And they are all on a 130 gal tank.
They say that chinese algea eatters become aggressive as they age and will suck the slime layer from the scales of fish. The angel fish as well can get aggressive when breeding, but if they are not breeding pairs then they will probably be aggressive with each other.
You should probably get more albino cory's. They get lonely.
Top one is a bronze cory and the second one looks like either a siamese algae eater or a flying fox I think its the siamese though.
How are the fish dealing with the breeding Texas?
Ok now that yoy say those name I recognize them. I forgot what they told me they were.

All the babies are gone. They didnt last. So everything is back to normal.
Ah right cool :)
Your tank sounds pretty good but like DreamerTK said you could actually do with a few more in the school of Corydoras. The other thing I would mention is.... Bala Sharks are really hard to keep because of their adult size and the fact they are so active. Really they shouldnt be sold to be honest as really they need a small pond... but saying that your tank is better than most because of its size :)

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